User Guide
Images and Symbols
Every effort has been made to provide a complete and accurate set of
identification symbols for your convenience.
Many of the symbols included are subject to strict Global regulations. Prior to
using these symbols, make sure the symbol, in combination with the color and
terminology used, meet all regulatory requirements as appropriate.
DYMO assumes no liability to any party for any incidental or consequential loss or
damage caused by using the data content integrated into this device. The marks
integrated into this device can be subject to periodic revision without notice.
The following tables show the symbols available by category. The source for the
symbols is shown for each symbol set where applicable.
ISO symbols are reproduced with the permission of the International Organization
for Standardization, ISO. The corresponding standard can be obtained from any
ISO member and from the Web site of the ISO Central Secretariat at the following
address: www.iso.org. Copyright remains with ISO.