3. Technical Specification
Special fuel
The fuel injector can only use the fuel which meets the national standard of people republic of china
GBl7930-1999<<lead-free petrol for vehicle>> and national standard of environment protect GWKBl—1999
<<control standard of motor petrol hazardous substance>> stated fuel.
4. Fault Symptom & Judgment Method
Fault Symptom: poor idle speed, poor acceleration, incapable of start (hard start) etc
General Reasons: Due to lack of maintenance, the colloidal substance accumulated in the inner side of the
injector causes the injector cannot work any more.
Notice for Maintenance
1.For easy installing, recommend paint non-silicic clean engine oil on the surface of “O” shaped cicule which
is connected with fule distribution pipeline. And be careful for not making the oil contaminated the fuel injector
and its finestra.
2. Put the oil atomizer into oil atomizer base in a vertical way, fix it by clip.
Note: a) oil atomizer clip has axial direction clip and diameter of axle clip, don’t use a wrong clip.
b)For the installing of axial direction oil atomizer clip, it must make sure the bayonet in the middle of
clip should be put in the neck totally, the neck both sides of clip should be clipped into the outer margin
roll of the oil atomizer base.
c)Meanwhile, axial direction and diameter of axle require using the axial/diameter direction clip
during install the oil atomizer, also let the oil atomizer locating block and locating plunger ,locate in the
corresponding part of locating clip.
3. oil atomizer installing by hands, using hammer such tools punch oil atomizer is not allowed.
4. When unloading and reinstall oil atomizer, must change “O” shaped circule. ,don’t damage the oil atomizer
sealing face at the same time.
5.Don’t put out “O”circule supporting bead from the oil atomizer. Don’t damage oil atomizer parts like: oil
inlet, “o” circule, supporting bead, jet board ,plug .If any damage, stop using.
6. Doing fuel distribution assembled leakage test after oil atomizer installed.,no leakage is qualified.
7. Non-effectiveness part unloading by hands. First unload the oil atomizer clip,then pull out the oil
atomizer from the base. Keep the base clean ,avoid pollution.
Note: While the ignition switched on, whether the engine running or not, never pull out the oil
atomizer main connections.
5. Simple measurement:
Switch off the ignition switch, unload terminal, put on ohm gear of DMM, measure the coil resistance. the two
pens connect with oil atomizer two stitches separately. 20
C rated value of resistance is 11—17
Suggestion: use special oil atomizer clean analytical instrument clean and analysis oil atomizer every
Fuel filter
Fuel filter function is to filter the water and impurity in the fuel.
Fuel filter is made up of filter element and shell, see picture on the right side. It belongs to consumptive part,
and it can’t be overhauled. When the fuel supply is found not enough and the fuel filter is confirmed not work, the
fuel filter should be change. Also change it when the car running about 20000km.
The fuel filter is fitted under the fuel tank, pay attention to the fuel flow direction is same as the arrowhead in
the picture.
Pressure regulator
Function: since the oil atomizer installing in the suction manifold, even the supplying oil pressure, oil spout
aperture and time is invariableness, the oil spout mass is influenced by suction manifold. Fuel pressure regulator