Ascom, operating instructions
To maintain an overview over the position of a stranger or staff in a difficult or dangerous
environment at all times, the DECT installation is complemented by a localization function.
This requires a mobile unit
distyNotruf pro
that is fastened e.g. to the wrist, belt or the
protective helmet.
The control center can initiate a request
through a central server in respect of any staff
that is equipped with this device. The server
will then establish contact with the
distyNotruf pro
; it reports back the current
field strength of the base stations whose
signals are most strongly received and if
necessary, additional information through
Beacon service (ASCOM 9LD Locator). The
server calculates the position using such
transmitted information and shows it in a
layout plan at the control center.
This Operating Manual is meant for the administrator of the facility who is well informed
about the DECT technology and has the duty of setting and managing this special terminal
The device is supplied in a cardboard box along with a User’s Manual
The IPEI is indicated on the label (= 014231011124).
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