Ascom, operating instructions
SMS - messages
(@ OAPT, 2011-12-05)
For a complete overview of the implemented protocol, please refer to the documents
SSD – Ascom IP-DECT concept (B).pdf
SSG-COTA.pdf (COTA = Configuration Over The Air)
Locate Request/ Locate Query (handling of coordinates)
The following text will be sent to our
distyNotruf pro
as a SMS:
The device answers with a response message 'Locate Response'.
Locate Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OAP-request id="9b8a01c3" version="4.0">
<Body service="OA-XML">
<service version="1.0">
is the reference number to follow up the dialog.
Inserting into charger
<?xml ...>
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