Refer to your software manuals and DECnet manuals for other requirements and
further instructions on using a network connection.
3.3 Real-Time Options
The following real-time options are available for your system.
• DRQ3B—High-speed interface with two unidirectional 16-bit data channels
• DRV1W—General purpose interface with one 16-bit input port, one 16-bit
output port
• IEQ11—DMA controller that connects a Q–bus to two independent buses
• IBQ01—DMA controller that connects a Q–bus to RS–485 control
• AAV11–S—Digital-to-analog converter with DMA capability
• ADV11–S—Analog-to-digital converter with DMA capability
• KWV11–S—Programmable clock that can count from one to five frequencies
• AXV11—Input/output circuit board for analog devices
• ADQ32—Analog-to-digital converter with DMA capability
Before using a real-time controller, make sure the devices connected to the
controller are properly set up. Refer to the documentation for the real-time
3.4 Printer Options
Before using a printer, make sure it is properly set up and passes any self-tests.
Verify that the printer is connected to an appropriate controller. Some printers,
such as the LG01 and LG02, require the LPV11–SA interface. Other printers
require modem control signals. Consult your printer documentation for the
interface requirements.
Your system has several printer options available. Consult your Digital sales
representative for a list of printers and printer interface requirements.
3.5 Adding Options
If you have available Q–bus slots, you may be able to add modules to your
system. Possible limitations to adding modules include the following.
• Power limitations
• Physical space limitations
• Bus limitations (ac/dc loading)
Operating the System Options 3–39