e. When you are ready to continue, enter Y (for Yes) and press Return. The
procedure displays the following message.
%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass
Each time the procedure displays a mount request, follow steps
a through e.
8. When the procedure is finished, the system displays the following message.
%BACKUP-I-PROCDONE, operation completed. Processing finished at
19-APR-1991 15:00:00.00
If you do not want to perform another standalone BACKUP operation,
use the console to halt the system.
If you do not want to perform another standalone BACKUP operation,
ensure the standalone application volume is online and ready.
Enter "YES" to continue:
9. Press the Halt button.
10. Reboot the system.
Store the backup tape cartridge in a safe place.
The BACKUP command creates a system disk that includes a Digital-
provided set of volume parameters, including a CLUSTER_SIZE (disk
access scheme) of value 1. (The CLUSTER_SIZE parameter refers to
the way files are stored on the disk, NOT to VAXcluster environments.)
You can change most volume parameters later with the SET VOLUME
command. However, to change the CLUSTER_SIZE parameter, you must
back up the system disk that has been initialized previously with the
CLUSTER_SIZE value that you want. To prevent the BACKUP command
from reinitializing the target disk, use the /NOINITIALIZE qualifier. For
more information about initializing a disk, see the
Guide to Maintaining
a VMS System
. For more information on the BACKUP command, see the
VMS Backup Utility Manual
Backup Procedures B–9