4. Standalone BACKUP displays a message similar to the following.
VAX/VMS Version V5.5-n Major version id = n Minor version id = n
5. A few minutes later the procedure asks for the date and the time. Enter the
date and time, using the 24-hour clock format; for example:
19-APR-1991 13:00
6. The system displays a list of the local devices on your system; for example:
Available device MIA5:
device type TF85/TF86
Available device DIA0:
device type RF31
Check the list of devices. If the list is incomplete, make sure that all the
devices are connected properly to the system. See your system
manual for details.
7. When standalone BACKUP finishes booting, it displays an identification
message followed by the dollar-sign prompt ($):
%BACKUP-I-IDENT, stand-alone BACKUP V5.5-n; the date is
19-APR-1991 13:00:00.00
To back up the system disk, see Section B.2.
To restore the system disk, see Section B.3.
B.1.3 Installing Standalone BACKUP on a Tape Cartridge
If your system has a tape drive, Digital recommends that you keep standalone
BACKUP on a tape cartridge in case the system disk becomes damaged. To
install standalone BACKUP on a tape cartridge, use the following procedure.
If you have a tape cartridge distribution kit, you already have standalone
BACKUP on a tape cartridge. If the original tape cartridge becomes
damaged or if you need to make extra copies, use the procedure in this
1. Obtain a blank tape cartridge. Write the name on the paper label. For
example, you would use the name S/A BKUP V5.5–n TK85 to build a Version
5.5–n kit. Insert the label into the label slot.
Backup Procedures B–3