Network coordinator
The network coordinator manages the network, assigns unique node names and
addresses for each system on the network, and provides administrative assistance
to network users.
An individual information processing unit, such as a computer, workstation, or
device, that is connected to a network. A node is an end point to any branch of a
network or a junction common to two or more branches.
Off line
Pertaining to equipment, devices, and events that are not under direct control of
the computer system.
Operating system
A collection of programs that controls the overall operation of a computer and
performs such tasks as:
• Assigning places in memory to programs and data
• Processing requests, scheduling jobs
• Controlling the operation of input and output devices
Output device
A device by means of which data can be extracted from a computer system; for
example, a printer.
Peripheral device
Any device distinct from the central processing unit that provides it with
additional memory storage or communication capability. Examples are disk and
diskette drives, video terminals, and printers.
Power-up sequence
A series of ordered events that occurs when you supply power to a system by
turning it on.
A peripheral device that provides paper copies of information stored in a