Getting Started – RAID Array 310 for Windows NT – Intel
4. Set the subsystem on its base and continue the installation process.
Figure 1–3 Mounting the Base
Connecting the Subsystem Power Cords
The subsystem contains two identical power supplies which provide redundant power to the
RAID Array 310. Each supply is equipped with an ac power receptacle for connection to a
125 or 250 vac power source. Two power cords are required to operate and provide redun-
dant power to the subsystem. Table 1–1 lists and describes the Digital power cords available
for the subsystem. Since these cords are country-specific, ensure that your cords match those
listed in Table 1–1 for your installation.
Obtain the correct power cords for your ac power source and connect them between the ac re-
ceptacles on the power supplies (Figure 1–4) and the ac outlets (the power supply automati-
cally senses the voltage level and will work with either voltage).