Chapter 1. Unpacking and Setting Up Your RAID Array 310 Subsystem Components
Figure 1–2 Unpacking the RAID Array 310
Preparing the RAID Array 310 for Operation
Preparing the RAID Array 310 for operation involves the following procedures:
1. Mounting the base as described in Section 1.5.
2. Installing the disk SBB's.
3. Configuring the RAID Array 310.
4. Connecting the power and SCSI bus cables.
5. Checking the subsystem for proper operation.
6. Mounting the door.
Mounting the Base
Mount the stabilizing base to the subsystem as follows:
1. Place the subsystem on its top.
2. Align the base with the bottom of the subsystem as shown in Figure 1–3.
3. Install the four hex-head 6-32 screws through the base into the subsystem and tighten the
screws using a 3/16 hex-head screwdriver.