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How to use Live Track & telemetry communication via Bluetooth:
On your AIR-BT, do a one-time setting of the format in which it will transmit the data: ADVANCED SETUP \ n.
25 TELE = FL2
Do a one-time setting of the communication type parameter ADVANCED SETUP \ n. 26 BLUT = ON.
In order to use the GpsDump software you must have already previously done (only once) the pairing
procedure with the external device (see 13.2.1)
To correctly decode the Digifly’s telemetry, it is necessary (only once) to enter in the GpsDump : LOG Menu,
click “Live Tracking” , select “Service” : “LiveTrack24” and fill in the requested fields, press “START”, “Select
logger type” : long click “Bluetooth”, “Select BT device” : click Digifly Airnnn (where “nnn” are the last three
digits of your instrument’s serial number).
The steps to follow each time you want to send the telemetry are:
1) On the AIR-BT, go to MENU “Telemetry BT”.
2) Run the GpsDump software on the external device, LOG Menu, long click “START”
3) When the AIR-BT receives from the confirmation that it is connected the external device, it automatically
exits from the "Telemetry BT" menu, returns to the current page of instruments, turns the Bluetooth icon on
and activates the continuous transmission of real-time Digifly telemetry data at high speed. In case of
problems, press the
key on the AIR-BT to exit and try again.
If everything is correct, the "LOG" page in GpsDump will display the telemetry data transmitted from the AIR-BT
For more info about this software please visit the GpsDump App page on the Google Play web site.