DiBO 45
Check the trailer entirely on damages. Keep the machine as clean as possible to
avoid dirt, water, oil and spilled fuel having a unfavorable effect. Double check
the tire pressure, brakes, closing of the cap, lights ... This is necessary for your
own good and other peoples safety on the road.
At a switched off machine, this means a stopped engine, the pressure indication
must reflect 0 bar. At a maximum performing machine, this means operated
at full load working engine, the manometer cannot indicate more than the
maximum pressure by DiBO indicated, for your machine. After operation and
releasing the gun can still remain a small pressure remainder present. The
reflected value of the manometer must be between 0-30 bar, the valves are
then all right.
High pressure pump
Check the pump on loose connections, bolts, seals and leaks. Check regularly
the oil level of the pump. If the oil level has decreased too much or pollution
of oil is observed, should these be replaced before working further. Put the
machine on a horizontal base. The oil level must stand halfway the level glass.
Take at doubt the oil level stick separately, where the oil level must stand
between both mark lines. If pump oil gives a milky impression, frequently
indicates this on an internal leak as a result of which water touched oil there.
Immediately repair is necessary then.
High pressure and low pressure parts (water)
Check the hoses, circuit and connections on external damages and leaks.
If damaged or leaks these must be immediately replaced.
High pressure and low pressure parts (gas)
Check the hoses, circuit and connections on external damages, leaks (visual
detection or odor detection) and corrosion. If damaged or leak occured ->
replace immediately
by a authorized installer
. Check on presence of the filling
connection shield. Under no circumstances may gas pipes and gas components
be replaced, twisted or moved. Check that there are no parts that can cause
vibrations! Check between the bracket or pipes and the chassis for the
presence of the insulating material (rubber).
Pay attention for presence of chlorides (salt, sea air, sea
water, ...) which can cause corrosion formation.
Immediately switch off the device electrically in case
of leaks and / or damaged components. Close the gas
valve of the tank (s) manually if possible. Never perform
operations on a pressurized gas circuit (pipe) !
Spray equipment
Check lances and spray guns on leaks, external damages and hair cracks. If
damaged or leaks these must be immediately replaced. Check the spray image
of the water jet, if these blows out to much you must replace the nozzle. Check
protective cap-nozzle on damages and replace if necessary. Check the thread
of the couplings on external damages. At damage replace without delay.
Electrical part
Checks visible electric wiring and components (like switches) on external visible
damages. If damaged let replace the concerning parts.
Gas burner
Check if the burner opening is clear of pollution. Checks circuit and connections
on leaks and external damages.
All maintenance or service activities may only been
carried out by a recognized service technician. Do not
manipulate the gas components as an end user!