DiBO 21
Note: the cap on the water tank (in the cap) should NOT be used to
fill the tank. The cap should ONLY be used to add any antifreeze in
the water tank and to check the water level of the water tank through
the float system or any maintenance on the float system/tank
Filling through the cap may not be done at any case, the supplied water will
not pass through the water filter (water supply is not filtered). DiBO is not
responsible for possible damage caused by improper use of the cap.
Please also add no other products (such as
chemicals, ...) in/to the water tank!
The water supply is purged / cleaned with the water filter.
8 B U R N E R M O T O R
The burner motor drives the ventilator and switches on as soon as activated.
9 G A S P R E S S U R E VA LV E ( S )
There are 3 gas pressure valves. These valves therefore regulate the gas high
pressure to a lower boiler pressure. These are factory set and must not be
manipulated by not unauthorized persons.
• Control valve high pressure (200 -> 10 Bar) with relief safety valve
perception” on page 17 .
Note: The high pressure control valve is heated
by coolant from the gas engine against possible freezing.
• Control valve low pressure (10 Bar -> 100 mBar - left indicated) with a relief
safety valve.
• Control valve (+- 8.5 mBar) on the gas block.
It is strictly forbidden to make adjustments to the control
valves and the relief valves or to increase the factory
set pressure! Adjustments to the safety components
can cause serious damage and voids the warranty.
10 V E N T I L AT O R
The ventilator makes sure that there is sufficient air for the combustion and
also for the cooling of the burner wall. The ventilator is driven electrically and is
mounted at the bottom of the burner.
11 I G N I T I O N T R A N S F O R M E R
The ignition transformer is mounted indirectly against the burner chamber.
The ignition transformer makes sure for a ignition spark in the burner chamber.
12 F L O W S W I T C H E S
As soon as there is sprayed, there is a flow through the flow switch. The switch
controls if there is a flow of water. At sufficient flow the burner can function
(flow switch in high pressure mode and flow switch in low pressure mode). A
third flow switch is situated in the ‘heating circuit’ and is a safety device which
controls the flow. The machine will switch off when there’s no flow otherwise the
gas high pressure regulator may become frozen because of low temperatures.
13 P R E S S U R E R E L I E F VA LV E
If the pressure in the water circuit gets to high by unexpected circumstances,
the pressure relief valve opens and the water runs outside through a hose.
14 F R A M E
The frame is made of a iron construction lacquer with vibration isolators and is
mounted on the trailer.