DiBO 26
27 P R O F E S S I O N A L S W I T C H M O D E B AT T E R Y C H A R G E R ( O P T I O N )
The trailer with track & trace will be standard equipped with a charging cable
(1.701.075) to connect any professional switch mode battery charger (1.701.210)
on the battery.
Pay attention: the battery may not be charged constantly!
The trailer (machine) may not be switched on at any
circumstances during the charging procedure!
For info: If the battery clamps are incorrectly connected, the reverse polarity
protection will ensure that the battery and charger are not damaged.
Estimated time for charging (for an empty battery): +- 20h. The charger is
designed for charging only for batteries according to the technical specification.
See also the delivered manual of the professional switch mode battery charger.
Ensure sufficient ventilation when loading!
28 T E M P E R AT U R E C O N T R O L L E R ( O P T I O N A L )
The temperature controller ensures that the output temperature remains
constant, regardless fluctuations in the temperature of the supplied water
(within the limits of the system). This system also ensures optimum load of the
burner, which benefits the emissions and lifespan of the burner (less circuitry).
Also the water heating at cold start will work out faster.
29 D E S C A L I N G C O I L ( O P T I O N A L )
The descaling coil is an additional accessory and is located around the high-
pressure hose at the entrance to the burner boiler. This coil need to prevent
possible lime formation in the supply hose and in the burner coil.
The coil gives a signal that changes the shape of the lime minerals in the water.
As a result, small groups are formed that can no longer attach themselves to the
components and will therefore flush out of the pipes/hoses. This coil extends
the service life of the components exposed to limescale deposits.
30 C O N V E R T E R S
The converters are mounted inside the trailer.
• The power converter converts the input voltage from a voltage to another
• The motor controller is a frequency converter.
31 B L E E D I N G VA LV E
There is a bleed valve below the CNG tank (see image left). The bleed valve
must always be tightened (closed) before using the machine! An extra check on
leaks is recommended if these valve is manipulated!
The valve may never be opened by third parties (end users)! This
valve may only be properly used by a qualified service technician!