DiBO 30
6 H I G H P R E S S U R E H O S E W I T H S P R AY G U N
The high pressure hose must be rotatably coupled to the spray gun.
Also assemble (tighten) the lance to the spray gun. Because of that you obtain a
high degree of free movement during the spraying activities.
Check regularly, during spraying activities, whether the
lance coupling is still fixed to the spray gun.
Spray gun
• Do not spray: release the lever in the handle.
• Spraying: push the lever in the handle.
• Spray security: release the blocking pawl in the handle.
The machine is standard equipped with a single lance. When changing the
spraying tool, always turn off the cleaner first!
7 P R O T E C T I V E
The protective cap can be opened/closed easily by means of the locking button.
The cover cap must be closed when starting the spray activities (when engine
is working), otherwise a message will appear on the display (see also:
Failures” on page 34
Pay attention: make sure the protective cap can close properly in
the closing mechanism before you drive on the road with the JMB.
8 W O R K I N G L I G H T / F L A S H I N G B E AC O N ( O P T I O N )
The working light is mounted on the side of the operating part of the trailer, the
flashing beacon is mounted on top of the protective cap.
Both lights can be turned on / off via the control panel display.
Note: do not turn on the working light / flashing
light while driving on public roads!
In the middle on top of the display you can read the actual operating hours of
the machine and you can check if the antifreeze filling function is active. An
alarm notification icon is also visible when an alarm occurs (top right). Centrally
you can read the working pressure and the output temperature. Left on top
the engine speed setting will be displayed (100% is similar to the max. adjusted
pressure, example: 250 Bar. When the engine speed setting is 50%, the
working pressure will visualize 125 bar. At a high temperature setting, the
pressure indication will be noticeably lower).
Remark: if the high temperature valve is activated, the cleaner will go
automatically to the ‘high temperature function’ ! Right on top the setting
temperature will be displayed. Setting: 0°C= burner off & 1°C or more= stand-
by temperature. Centrally (just below the manometers), the cooling water
temperature indication of the gas engine is displayed.
It can be that the actual temperature has a higher value than
the setting temperature, the burner will not work until the
actual temperature is lower than the setting temperature.