S A F E T Y – G E N E R A L WA R N I N G S
DiBO 13
Risk analysis:
On the machine a risk analysis has been carried out. The risk analysis focuses
on mapping the most important risks that may occur during use and / or
maintenance and the measures that have been taken to exclude or minimize
the risk.
The safety rules can be followed to limit these risks. Please note; the machine is
constructed in such a way to avoid dangerous situations as much as possible,
but a totally risk-free machine is not possible. There are always residual risks
Therefore, read all (safety) instructions in this chapter carefully and inform
yourself if there are any uncertainties.
Electromechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic work must always be carried out
by persons with expertise in relation to this specific work. Always inform the
different operators before starting any special and / or maintenance work.
Always follow the maintenance and / or inspection activities as described in this
The periodic checks and the replacement of parts must also be followed as
We advise that new people are instructed about the possible dangers, as well
as the prevention of the various dangers.
The machines are designed to work with compressed natural gas. Any other
use is inappropriate: the manufacturer cannot be held liable for personal injury
or damage to objects/machine caused by improper use. Use only tested,
certified tanks. Scope of machine : use the machine in areas free from dust,
danger of explosion, corrosion and fire.
(Natural) Gas is highly flammable: it is therefore strictly forbidden
to smoke and/or use open flames. The use of equipment (like
mobile phone) that can cause sparks is also strictly forbidden.
Improper use of the machine and CNG components can have serious
consequences for the user. NEVER disconnect gas fittings from the machine
which are still under pressure! After turning off the machine, wait about 30
minutes before performing any maintenance work to avoid possible burn
injuries. All components, connections and controls used in the construction
are designed and built with a high degree of safety to withstand abnormal
loads. It is forbidden to perform welding work on the CNG installation or to
make any modifications to the CNG installation! It is also prohibited to carry
out working activities in any other way than described or to neglect the safety
tasks indicated in this manual. Safety labels of the CNG installation may not be
removed under any circumstances and must be replaced. Respect the local
Observing a gas odor indicates a gas leak.