Replace hydraulic tubes
Hydraulic tubes can age without this being externally visible. We the-
refore recommend replacing the hydraulic hoses every six years. De-
fective hydraulic lines can lead to severe or fatal injuries.
Caution when cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner
The implement can be cleaned using either water or a steam jet. Cle-
an the bearings, plastic parts and hydraulic hoses using low pressure
only. Excessive pressure can damage these parts.
No corrosive washing additives
Do not use any corrosive washing additives for cleaning. The bright
metal surfaces can get damaged.
Prior to carrying out welding work
Before performing any electrical welding work on the uncoupled im-
plement, disconnect the tractor's battery and the alternator. This will
avoid damaging the electrical system.
Tighten the screw connections
Retighten any loosened screw connections after care and mainte-
nance work. Serious personal injuries and damage to property can be
caused by loose screw connections.
Further regulati-
Observe the regulations
In addition to those listed above, please observe the following safety
Accident-prevention regulations
Generally recognised safety regulations, occupational health re-
quirements and road traffic regulations
Instructions given in this operating manual
Regulations pertaining to operation, maintenance and repair.
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