Preliminary information
Preliminary information
Target group for
this operating ma-
This operating manual is directed at trained farmers and individuals
who are otherwise qualified to perform agricultural activities and who
have received instruction on the handling of this implement.
For your safety
Familiarise yourself with the contents of this operating manual before
assembly or initial operation of the implement. In this way, perfor-
mance and work safety are optimised.
The employer should:
All personnel are to be regularly instructed on the use of the imple-
ment, at least once annually, in accordance with the regulations of
section 1 of the trade's mutual indemnity association. Untrained or un-
authorised persons are not allowed to use this implement.
Your dealer will provide instruction on operation and care of the imple-
Meaning of the
In order to make this manual clear and easy to read, we have used va-
rious symbols. They are explained below:
A dot accompanies each item in a list
> A triangle indicates operating functions which must be performed
An arrow indicates a cross-reference to other sections of this ma-
[+] A plus sign indicates an add-on item of equipment, which is not
included in the standard version.
The term, “Note” indicates tips and notes on operation.
The screwdriver indicates tips during assembly or adjustments.
The warning triangle indicates important safety instructions. Failure
to observe these safety instructions can result in:
Coarse defects in the operability of the implement
Damage to the implement
Personal injury or accidents.
A star indicates examples that assist understanding of the instruc-
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