SunScan User Manual v 1.05
E. Alternative file transfer mechanisms
Sending a file to a Communication program
You can send your files to a communications program such as Windows Terminal or
ProComm. However, if you do this there will be no error checking during the file
Connect the Workabout to an appropriate serial port on the PC using the SunScan
RS232 cable or a null modem serial cable.
In the communications program
Set the COM port you are using to 9600 baud, No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit.
Select either hardware (RTS/CTS) or software (XON/XOFF) handshaking.
Select “capture to file” or “receive text file” and the filename you want to store the
data in.
In SunData on the Workabout
Menu, File, File Transfer, Enter,
and select the file you want to send.
The Workabout will send “start of header” (SOH ASCII 01) followed by the
After a few seconds, the message “no response from receive program” will appear.
and the Workabout will send “start of text” (STX ASCII 02) then
continue transmitting the file. You should see this appear on the communications
program screen.
You can stop the transfer by pressing
on the Workabout, or
in the
communications program.
After the file has been sent, the Workabout will finally send “end of text” (ETX
ASCII 03) and a file checksum value. A few seconds later the message “no
acknowledgement from receive program” will appear. Select
Now close your file in the communications program.
Sending a file to a serial printer
You can print files out directly to a printer with a serial port. You must set the
printer serial port to 9600 baud, No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, with either
hardware (RTS/CTS) or software (XON/XOFF) handshaking. This is usually done
by setting switches or jumpers inside the printer, and will be explained in the printer
manual. Connect the printer to the Workabout using the SunScan RS232 cable or a
null modem cable.
Proceed on the Workabout as described in the paragraph above.
Using the Workabout COMMS application
There is a built in communications program accessible from the Workabout system
screen. This supports various protocols including XMODEM and YMODEM, and
will support file transfer via a modem. The use of this is described in the Workabout
manual on pages 52-58.