Getting Started
Document code: SS1-UM-1.05
Installing the SunData s/w in your PC
In this section you will be told about the SunData s/w, and what you need to do to
get it running on your PC. You will then use it to establish that your PC can
communicate with the SunScan probe.
The SunData s/w Diskette
What the s/w does
The s/w is provided as three groups of programs in separate directories on the
diskette. If you find a
file in the root directory of the diskette, please read
it. It may contain late release information not included in this manual.
SunData PC s/w (in the \PC directory)
You must install this in a PC for transferring data files from the Workabout to the
PC. You can also install it in a (portable) PC to enable the PC to act as a data
collection terminal instead of the Workabout.
SunData Psion s/w (in the \PSION directory)
This is a backup copy of the s/w that is pre-installed in the Workabout. You will not
use this except in the unlikely event of program loss from the Workabout.
Psion communications s/w (in the \COMMS directory)
These are DOS programs provided by Psion which enable you to transfer files
between the PC and Workabout. Full documentation is provided on disk and in the
appendices. They will not be further described in this section.
These programs are essential if you need to restore s/w lost from the Workabout,
(unless you have purchased the optional PsiWin Windows s/w), and of course they
give you alternative methods of transferring data files from the Workabout to your
PC, if you don't want to use SunData's own data file transfer method.
Installing the s/w
Your PC requirements
Your PC needs: DOS 3.3 or higher; a 3.5 inch 1.44 MB diskette drive, and an
available serial port with 9 pin D-connector
You may need to refer to your PC manual to carry out the following tasks: copy a
diskette, create subdirectories, copy files, and run programs from the DOS prompt.
You should make a copy of the SunData s/w diskette immediately for routine use.
Store the original diskette securely, and set the write-protect slider on the diskettes.
Copy all the diskette files to your hard disk drive (HDD). You are recommended to
use the same diskette directory names and to put them all in a parent directory, for
. At the same time, you should create another directory for
storing SunScan data files, e.g.
You may choose alternative
names for any of these directories if you wish.
Insert the SunData diskette in your PC's diskette drive.
Create the required directories on your PC's HDD.
Copy the files from the diskette to the HDD.
Remove the SunData diskette from the disk drive.
No problems should be experienced if you wish to de-install the SunData programs
later. Simply delete all the directories and files that you copied on to your hard disk.