Introduction to system events
This section contains the following topics:
Viewing and modifying event groups
Events overview
Events are individual occurrences or conditions related to the data workflow, maintenance operations, and hardware
components of your cluster.
Throughout OneFS there are processes that are constantly monitoring and collecting information on cluster operations.
When the status of a component or operation changes, the change is captured as an event and placed into a priority queue at
the kernel level.
Every event has two ID numbers that help to establish the context of the event:
The event type ID identifies the type of event that has occurred.
The event instance ID is a unique number that is specific to a particular occurrence of an event type. When an event is
submitted to the kernel queue, an event instance ID is assigned. You can reference the instance ID to determine the exact
time that an event occurred.
You can view individual events. However, you manage events and alerts at the event group level.
Event groups overview
Event groups are collections of individual events that are related symptoms of a single situation on your cluster. Event groups
provide a single point of management for multiple event instances that are generated in response to a situation on your cluster.
For example, if a chassis fan fails in a node, OneFS might capture multiple events related both to the failed fan itself, and to
exceeded temperature thresholds within the node. All events related to the fan will be represented in a single event group.
Because there is a single point of contact, you do not need to manage numerous individual events. You can handle the situation
as a single, coherent issue.
All management of events is performed at the event group level. You can mark an event group as resolved or ignored. You can
also configure how and when alerts are distributed for an event group.
Alerts overview
An alert is a message that describes a change that has occurred in an event group.
At any point in time, you can view event groups to track situations occurring on your cluster. You can also create alerts to
proactively notify you when there is a change in an event group. For example, you can generate an alert when a new event is
added to an event group, when an event group is resolved, or when the severity of an event group changes.
Introduction to system events