Rear view of the system
The back view displays the features available on the back of the system.
Figure 6 Rear view of the 24 x 2.5-inch drive system
1. Riser 1 - Full-height PCIe expansion card (Slot 1 and 2)
2. Half-height PCIe expansion card slots located on the system board (Slot 3 and 4)
3. Riser 2 -Full-height PCIe expansion card slots (Slot 5 and 6)
4. Power supply units (2)
5. System identification button
6. iDRAC9 dedicated port
7. USB 3.0 ports (2)
8. VGA port
9. Serial port
10. NIC ports (4)
11. Rear handle
For more information about the ports and connectors, see
System overview
VxFlex Ready Node R840
Hardware Field Replacement Unit and Service Manual