User Manual UX11
Press and hold down your mouse on the graph, and move the mouse cursor to display the exact
time at each element (base station validity time and flight data).
For a successful high accuracy trajectory post-processing, it is very important for the imported base
station files to fully cover the duration of the flight. For best results it is recommended to record base
station logs for a duration of 30 minutes prior to flight, 30 minutes after flight and a total of 2 hours.
Set reference coordinates and height offset
The application automatically reads the reference coordinates from the base station RINEX files. This
is usually the value that was set on the base station device when logging started, or it may be an
autonomous, uncorrected position that is not of control quality.
This value may not be accurate. If you are not sure the RINEX file contains the correct value, please
verify the coordinates of the control point and set it manually.
If your base station position is not precisely known, it is required to post-process your RINEX file to get
a precise position. Some websites offer such service for free such as Trimble CenterPoint RTX (
By default, the previously used coordinate system will be applied to the base station coordinates.
If applicable, select the coordinate reference system tied to the corrected base station position.
The input fields for entering the base station position are updated depending on the chosen
coordinate reference system, and the filled values are automatically converted. If the selected
projection is inappropriate for the base station coordinates, the application displays a
Transformation failed
error message.
Enter the precise coordinates.
When using a geographic coordinate system, you can enter longitude and latitude either in
decimal degrees or in DMS (degrees, minutes and decimal seconds). In the latter case, the
input field is clever enough to understand a coordinate without the degree, minute and second
symbols. For instance, you may of course type 43° 27' 20.08351" N, but simply entering 43 27
20.08351 N does the job too. References to cardinal points may be entered in English (N, S, E, W)
as well as in the configured language (see
If you want to reset the reference coordinates to their initial values as read from the RINEX files, click
Select files
and then
. This will force the RINEX files to be re-checked.
Enter the correct antenna height.
The antenna height or antenna reference offset is is the vertical distance between the ground (or
marker if using a known location) and the Antenna Reference Point (ARP).
Any error on the antenna reference offset will shift the whole dataset by the same value on the Z axis.
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