User Manual UX11
Appendix A
French CAA Specifics
A.1 Introduction
The UX11 system is certified by the French Civil Aviation Authority ("Direction Générale de l'Aviation
Civile"). A number of features and functions have been added to the system to comply with DGAC's
requirements, they are described in this Appendix.
A.2 Delair Link
Delair Link use is mandatory in France as primary C2 link and the flight range is restricted to 3km
when operating under the S4 scenario.
A.3 Geofence
The country you are operating in may have regulations prescribing the geofence settings that you must use.
In France, for S2 scenario operation, the operator shall:
• Define a height limitation at 150 m the highest,
• Define a lateral geofencing that includes planned operations and which borders are not at more
than 1 km of the operator.
A.4 Communication timeout
The country you are operating in may have regulations prescribing the minimum communication timeout
setting that you must use. Make sure you are aware of these and that you use the regulated minimum
setting for your location.
In France, for S2 scenario operation, it is mandatory to set the communication timeout to 5s ; for S4
scenario operation, it is mandatory to set the communication timeout to 30s..
A.5 Flight Termination System
In France, for S2 or S4 scenario operation, it is mandatory to perform the FTS test before each flight.
676, Rue Max Planck – 31670 Toulouse-Labège, France
Tel: +33 (0) 5 82 95 44 06
| www.delair.aero
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