2. Ensure that the CD-ROM drive (and any installed removable
media device) lines up well with its bezel, and that the tray
operates smoothly without binding.
3. If the unit was originally equipped with a cable tie, use a new
cable-tie to carefully reattach the speaker cable to the power
supply wiring harness.
5.25” Fans
Because the fans are mounted on the motherboard tray, removal
and replacement of the fans will require removal of the mother-
board tray, and subsequent adjustment of the motherboard and
motherboard tray. Once the motherboard tray has been removed,
removal and replacement of the fans is a simple matter.
1. Remove the nPOWER card. See the section nPOWER card.
2. Remove the motherboard. See the section Motherboard.
3. Unplug the two connectors powering the 5.25˝ fans.
4. Remove the motherboard tray. See the section Motherboard Tray.
Once the motherboard tray has been removed, take a minute to
note the condition of the nylon and metal motherboard standoffs;
this is a good time to replace any that are broken, stripped or that
have been repaired with Loctite (see section Repair and
Replacement of Motherboard Standoffs).
Fans on motherboard tray
showing cable tie, nuts
5. Carefully clip the cable tie holding the fan cables to the top fan.
6. Remove the four nuts holding the fan to the motherboard tray.
Replacement is the reverse of removal, with the following exceptions:
1. Carefully use a new cable tie to attach the fan cables to the top
fan in the same manner as the original unit.
Genesis MP
Chapter 4 – Removal and Replacement