The wipe direction can be set using the Wipe direction selector switch.
There are three options:
Sets the wipe pattern to the normal direction
Sets the wipe direction to alternate. When the first transition is completed, the next transition
will run in the opposite direction. For example if you wipe from A to B top to bottom, when
you wipe back from B to A the wipe will automatically be bottom to top.
Sets the wipe pattern to reverse.
will perform a simple dissolve from the live source to the cued source.
To select between Wipe or Mix, press the Wipe or Mix button, the selected option will be illuminated amber.
In this example Mix is selected. You will also notice that the background (BKGD) button is illuminated.
Select the channel that you want to go to on the cued bus; this will be the bus with a green Crosspoint button.
In this example the cued bus is PST/B, and the Channel 5 has been selected. The live bus is PGM/A and
Channel 6 is the live output.
Press the AUTO button to effect the transition. You will see that the AUTO button is illuminated red during
the transition, and that both buses become live. When the transition is complete the AUTO button light is
extinguished and the SE-1000 will return to having one live bus and one cued bus.