DNS1 Address
This is the address of the preferred or primary DNS server for the CM968x. This server is
used first, to resolve DNS names to IP addresses for DNS names queried by this com
puter that cannot be resolved by using local name resolution information (such as
cached DNS names or names contained in a Hosts file).
DNS2 Address
This is the address of the alternate or secondary DNS server for CM968x. This server is
used if the DNS server specified as the preferred DNS server (DNS1) is unreachable or
cannot resolve DNS names to IP addresses for DNS names queried by this computer.
DNS1 Address
To configure, scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING
MODE bar code above, then the bar code at left fol
lowed by 8 digits (in hex) from the Alphanumeric
representing your
desired character(s). End by scanning the ENTER/
EXIT bar code.
Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.
00000000 = (hex)
DNS2 Address
To configure, scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING
MODE bar code above, then the bar code at left fol
lowed by 8 digits (in hex) from the Alphanumeric
representing your
desired character(s). End by scanning the ENTER/
EXIT bar code.
Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.
00000000 = (hex)