USB Flash Drive can be removed from ArtistaMEDIA now
ArtistaMEDIA creates a small log file in the root directory of the USB Flash Drive. This file is
called “
” and contains some useful information about the
content update process
Content Update with ArtistaControlCenter (ACC)
ArtistaControlCenter (ACC) is Windows software, which can be used to create shows and update
the media files on ArtistaMEDIA over Ethernet. To use this functionality, ACC must be installed on
the Windows Host system and configured properly (see section
Network Configuration of
ArtistaControlCenter (ACC)
For further details on this issue, please read the “
ArtistaControlCenter ACC Operating Manual
This document comes with the ACC installation.
To update the media files stored on ArtistaMEDIA with ACC over network, the following steps have
to be executed (ACC version 2.6.0 or higher and ArtistaMEDIA firmware version 2.2.0 or higher is
Start the ArtistaControlCenter (ACC) software (make sure that the steps described in the
Network Configuration of ArtistaControlCenter (ACC)
are already done)
Open a valid ArtistaControlCenter configuration file (*.acc) for ArtistaMEDIA. If you don’t
have one available, this must be created first
Select “
Network -> Upload current configuration
Select the desired ArtistaMEDIA and playlist and press “
” in the “
Upload to remote
” dialog
ACC will upload the selected playlist and media files (configuration) to ArtistaMEDIA.
Depending on the size of the new media files, this can take several minutes
During this process, ArtistaMEDIA will continue to play the old playlist until the new playlist
has been transmitted completely
After the transmission of the new playlist has been finished, ArtistaMEDIA stops playback of
the old playlist, deletes it from the internal data storage (Compact Flash Card or Hard Disk
Drive) and starts the new playlist in and endless loop again
Version 1.12
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