2.6.0 22.04.2010
Added support for still images in the playlist
(AIB format with resolutions of 720 x 480 or 720 x 576)
Increased max. number of supported playlist entries from 16 to 512
Solved issue where the content on the USB Flash Drive has been
copied to the internal storage even in cases where it has not been
used because the board was configured to “Content Auto Update”
Solved issue where media files with unsupported file extensions in
the playlist have not been detected and ignored during content
Improved fall back behavior with unsupported or corrupt media
2.4.0 13.11.2009
Improved behavior regarding gap between two videos:
- Compared to firmware version 2.2.0 the best case load time for
videos has been decreased from 2.2 sec to about 1 sec
- The last frame of the previous video is visible until the next clip
starts playing. Thus no switching to black on the display any more
- If the new video has a different mode (e.g. 480p vs. 576p), the
display still switches to black
- If the new clip has a different brightness, the load time increases
- Each minute of clip length increases the load time by about
0.1 sec
Solved issue where brightness setting in playlist.xml has not been
used by ArtistaMEDIA
Solved issue where the FTP connection has not been closed after
accessing the FTP server in “Content Auto Update” mode
Solved issue where ArtistaMEDIA did not find the FTP server if the
user entered the server name instead of the IP address in the Web
Frontend in “Content Auto Update” mode
Improved entries in the Updater log file for the case if just a clip has
been changed on the FTP server
Solved issue where clips with spaces in their file name could not be
updated and played back on ArtistaMEDIA
Solved issue where clips with file extensions other than .avi (all
letters lower case) could not be updated and played back on
Solved issue where clips with up to 8 letters and all letters in
capitals could not be updated with USB flash drive
Version 1.12
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