5.0 UPC Types
Enable ACK/NAK Handshaking
When this option is selected, after transmitting data, the scanner ex-
pects either an ACK or NAK response from the host. The scanner also
ACKs or NAKs messages from the host.
The scanner waits up to the programmable Host Serial Response Time-
out to receive an ACK or NAK. If the scanner does not get a response in
this time, it resends its data up to two times before discarding the data
and declaring a transmit error.
*Enable ACK/NAK
Decode Data Packet Format :
Parameter # 0xEE
This parameter selects whether decoded data is transmitted in raw for-
mat (unpacketed), or transmitted with the packet format as defined by
the serial protocol. If the raw format is selected, ACK/NAK handshak-
ing is disabled for decode data.
Send Packeted Decode Data
*Send Raw Decode Data
Host Serial Response Time-out :
Parameter # 0x9B
This parameter specifies how long the decoder waits for an ACK or NAK
before resending. Also, if the decoder wants to send, and the host has
already been granted permission to send, the decoder waits for the des-
ignated time-out before declaring an error.
The delay period can range from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds in 0.1 second incre-
ments. After scanning the bar code below, scan two numeric bar codes
Section 5.5
on page
. Values less than 10 require a leading zero.
To change the selection or cancel an incorrect entry, scan the
bar code in
Section 5.5.1
on page
Host Serial Response Time-out
(Default: 2.0 sec.)
Stop Bit Select :
Parameter # 0x9D
The stop bit(s) at the end of each transmitted character marks the end of
transmission of one character and prepares the receiving device for the
next character in the serial data stream. Set the number of stop bits (one
or two) to match host device requirements.
2 Stop Bits
*1 Stop Bit
Intercharacter Delay :
Parameter # 0x6E
The intercharacter delay gives the host system time to service its receiver
and perform other tasks between characters. Select the intercharacter
delay option matching host requirements. The delay period can range
from no delay to 99 msec in 1 msec increments. After scanning the bar
code below, scan two bar codes beginning in
Section 5.5
on page
to set the desired time-out. To change the selection or cancel an incor-
rect entry, scan the
bar code in
Section 5.5.1
on page
Host Character Time-out :
Parameter # 0xEF
This parameter determines the maximum time the decoder waits be-
tween characters transmitted by the host before discarding the received
data and declaring an error. The time-out is set in 0.01 second incre-
ments from 0.01 seconds to 0.99 seconds. After scanning the bar code
below, scan two bar codes beginning in
Section 5.5
on page
to set
the desired time-out. To change the selection or cancel an incorrect en-
try, scan the
bar code in
Section 5.5
on page
Intercharacter Delay
(Default: 0 sec.)
Host Character Time-out
(Default: 200 msec.)