3.0 Operating the Unit Geotagging
The geotagging menu allows enabling the feature and showing a map
centered on the current position. The current coordinates are written at
the bottom of the menu.
Once a picture has been taken, the current location is saved as an EXIF
metadata in the JPEG file (GPS sub-IFD).
How to enable the GPS
DAP-Imager has been built to work with the standard location sensors
supported by Windows 7. The WWAN module is equipped with a GPS,
which maps to “Sierra Wireless NMEA Port” in the “Location and Oth-
er Sensors” section of the control panel. You may also use the “Geosense
Location Sensor” that retrieves the current position by looking to the
WLAN used.
Refer to Section
3.1 GPS Instructions
for more information.
Once a fix is available, DAP-Imager should show the current position in
the geotagging menu.
Refer to the GPS section of the user’s manual for more information on
troubleshooting the GPS.
How to View Geotagging Data
To view the location where the picture has been taken, you may use any
geotagging software. For example, the “geotag” software is an open
source java program that can be run from the web (open
, then click on “Run it now”).
The coordinates are shown on top after having added the file to the list.
How to Locate a Saved Picture
To open the folder where images are saved, choose “Actions > Show Im-
age Folder” from the ‘more’ menu.
General Options
To access the general options, choose “Options > General…” from the
‘more’ menu:
Option screen:
The file name and target folder templates can be changed here. They
define where the image is to be saved. The list of variables can be found
in the TargetFolder option of the [General] section.
The default camera mode is the mode chosen when opening DAP-Im-
The flash light duration is the number of milliseconds the flash light
remains lit when pressing the <Flash Light> button.
3.2.4 Barcodes
DAP-Imager supports the following barcode symbologies:
Code 11, Code 39 (+extended), Code 93, Interleaved 2 of 5,
Codabar, Code 128, EAN13, EAN8, PatzchCode, UPC-A and
PDF417, DataMatrix, QR Code and MicroQR Code
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