7.0 Bluetooth
7.2 Basic Operations
Start BlueSoleil
1. Click on the BlueSoleil icon on your desktop, or go to:
Start | Programs | IVT BlueSoleil | BlueSoleil
2. The first time BlueSoleil is launched, the Welcome to Bluetooth
screen will appear. Assign your Windows system a name and device
type, to be shown to other Bluetooth enabled devices. In most cases,
you should leave the security setting checked.
3. Click
Search for Other Bluetooth En-
abled Devices
Before it can connect, your computer must first detect other Bluetooth
enabled devices in range.
Initiate a Device Search
1. Make sure that the Bluetooth enabled device you wish to connect to
is turned on, with sufficient battery power, and set in discoverable
mode. Have any necessary passkeys ready. If necessary, you may
also need to enable the service you want to use on the remote device.
Refer to the remote device’s user documentation for instructions.
If you haven’t done so already, you may also want to assign the de-
vice a Bluetooth name. Refer to the device’s user documentation for
2. In the Main Window, click on the red ball to start the device search.
3. Alternatively, click:
My Bluetooth | My Device Inquiry
View | Refresh Devices
4. After a few seconds, an icon will appear around the center ball for
each Bluetooth enabled device detected within the radio range.
• The Main Window can display only eight discovered devices at
a time. If BlueSoleil discovered more than eight devices, use the
scroll bar to view the remaining devices discovered by BlueSoleil.
• To sort the devices by device name, device address, or device
type, click:
View | Arrange Devices
5. Wait several seconds until BlueSoleil reports the name of each device.
6. If the device you want is not listed, make sure that the device is
turned on and discoverable and try searching again. You have mul-
tiple options for starting another search:
• If you start another search by double-clicking on the red ball or
clicking —
My Bluetooth | My Device Inquiry
View | Refresh Devices
then the list of previously detected devices will not be cleared.
• If you start another search by pressing F5, then the list of previ
ously detected devices will be cleared.
7.2.3 Establish Connection
These are generic instructions for any type of Bluetooth en-
abled device. Refer to the instructions in
for specific de-
tails for the type of service you plan to use.
Normally, a connection is initiated from the client. Check the chart in
to verify which device role BlueSoleil supports for the service you
wish to use.
• On the server side, start the service
• On the client side, initiate the connection
Start the Service
If you would like to use your computer as a server in a Bluetooth con-
nection, you must first start (enable) the appropriate service(s) on your
1. To access the Service Window, click:
View | Service Window
2. If the icon for a service is highlighted (yellow), then the service has
already been started. If the icon is white, then you need to start the
service in order to use it. Right-click the icon. In the pop-up menu,
select Start Service. The icon should now be highlighted (yellow). Se-
rial Port icons will also report which COM port is assigned to them.
• Icons will appear only for Bluetooth functions (Profiles) which
BlueSoleil supports in the Server device role. See chart in
Bluetooth Functions
• Depending on your system, multiple icons for Serial COM ports
may appear.
3. After you have started the service in BlueSoleil, now you are ready
to initiate the connection from the remote device. For instructions,
refer to the user documentation for the remote device.
Initiate the Connection
If you would like to use your computer as a client in a Bluetooth connec-
tion, make sure that you have started (enabled) the service on the remote
device. Otherwise, BlueSoleil will not be able to discover the service and
connect to it. For instructions, refer to the device’s user documentation.
1. Return to the Main Window by clicking:
View | Main Window
2. Double-click on the icon for the device you wish to connect to. Blue-
Soleil will begin to search for information about which services the
device supports.
3. After the search, icons will be highlighted (yellow) at the top of the
BlueSoleil Main Window for services that are supported by the de-
vice. Verify that the service you want to use is supported.
4. Right-click on the device icon. In the pop-up menu, click Connect,
then select the service. BlueSoleil will start the connection. Depend-
ing on the security settings of each device, you may need to enter the
same passkey on each device in order to bond the two devices.
5. A screen may appear asking if you want to set up automatic connec-
tions. Click
6. If you are connecting to a phone, your phone may ask if you want to