7.0 Bluetooth
At the top of the Main Window are Service Buttons. After you search for
the services supported by a remote device, the supported services of the
selected device will be highlighted.
Local Device — Basic Operations:
• Hover your mouse over the red ball to display the local device’s Blue
tooth name and address.
• Click on the red ball to start or stop searching for Bluetooth devices
in range.
• Right-click on the red ball to display a pop-up menu of related op
erations (e.g., General Inquiry, My Services, Security, etc.).
Remote Devices — Icon Meanings
• White — Idle. The normal state of the device.
• Yellow—Selected. You have selected the device.
• Green — Connected. The device is connected to your local device.
Remote Devices — Operations
• Single-click to select.
• Double-click to search for the services supported by the device.
• Right-click to display a pop-up menu of related operations (e.g., Re
fresh Devices, Pair Devices, Connect, etc.).
Services — Icon Meanings
• White — Idle. The normal state.
• Yellow — Available. The service is available on the selected device.
• Green — Connected. The service is active in a connection with the
remote device.
Services — Operations
• Hover your mouse over the service icon to display the name of the
• Single-click on the service icon to connect.
• Right-click on the service icon to display a pop-up menu of related
7.1 Introduction
BlueSoleil is a Windows-based software from IVT that allows your Blue-
tooth® enabled desktop or notebook computer to wirelessly connect to
other Bluetooth enabled devices. BlueSoleil allows MS Windows users
to wirelessly access a wide variety of Bluetooth enabled digital devices,
such as cameras, mobile phones, headsets, printers, and GPS receivers.
You can also form networks and exchange data with other Bluetooth
enabled computers or PDAs.
Bluetooth Functions
In order to connect and share services via Bluetooth wireless technol-
ogy, two devices must support the same Bluetooth Profile(s) as well as
opposite device roles (i.e., one must be the server, and the other must be
the client).
Bluetooth enabled devices often support multiple profiles, and if in-
volved in multiple connections, can perform different device roles si-
BlueSoleil supports the following Bluetooth functions (Profiles) in the
following device roles:
• Only one Headset or AV Headphone connection can exist at a
time, since since there is only one virtual Bluetooth audio de-
• The Headset and AV Headphone Profiles do not work on Win
dows 98SE or Windows Me.
Main Window
By default, BlueSoleil starts with the Main Window open. Use the Main
Window to perform your primary connection operations. The Main
Window displays the local device (red ball) as well as the remote devices
detected in range.
For more complete information about the Main Window (in-
cluding the icon meanings) as well as information about the
Service Window and BlueSoleil menus, please refer to
Different icons distinguish different types of remote devices.
AV Headphone*
Basic Image Profile
Dial-Up Networking
File Transfer
Human Interface Device
LAN Access
Object Push
Personal Area Networking
Serial Port
7.0 BlueTooth