5.0 UPC Types
To minimize the risk of invalid data transmission, we rec-
ommend selecting whether to read or ignore supplemental
Decode UPC/EAN Supplementals :
Parameter # 0x10
Supplementals are appended characters (2 or 5) according to specific code
format conventions (e.g., UPC A+2, UPC E+2). To enable or disable EAN-
13, scan the appropriate bar code below.:
• If Decode UPC/EAN with Supplemental characters is selected, the
scanner does not decode UPC/EAN symbols without supplemental
• If Ignore UPC/EAN with Supplemental characters is selected, and the
SE-955 is presented with a UPC/EAN symbol with a supplemental,
the scanner decodes the UPC/EAN and ignores the supplemental
• If Autodiscriminate UPC/EAN Supplementals is selected, scan De
code UPC/EAN Supplemental Redundancy on page 8-25, then select
a value from the numeric bar codes beginning on page 8-71. A value
of 5 or more is recommended.
• Select Enable 378/379 Supplemental Mode to enable the SE-955 to
identify supplementals for EAN-13 bar codes starting with a ‘378’ or
‘379’ prefix only. All other UPC/EAN bar codes are decoded immedi-
ately and the supplemental characters ignored.
Decode UPC/EAN With Supplementals
Autodiscriminate UPC/EAN Supplementals
Enable 378/379 Supplemental Mode
*Ignore UPC/EAN With Supplementals
• Select Enable 978 Supplemental Mode to enable the SE-955 to iden
tify supplementals for EAN-13 bar codes starting with a ‘978’ prefix
only. All other UPC/EAN bar codes are decoded immediately and the
supplemental characters ignored.
• Select Enable Smart Supplemental Mode to enable the SE-955 to iden
tify supplementals for EAN-13 bar codes starting with a ‘378’, ‘379’, or
‘978’ prefix only. All other UPC/EAN bar codes are decoded immedi-
ately and the supplemental characters ignored.
Enable 978 Supplemental Mode
Enable Smart Supplemental Mode
Decode UPC/EAN Supplemental Redundancy
(Default: 7)
Decode UPC/EAN Supplemental Redun-
dancy : Parameter # 0x50
With Autodiscriminate UPC/EAN Supplementals selected, this option
adjusts the number of times a symbol without supplementals will be de-
coded before transmission. The range is from 2 to 30 times. Five or above
is recommended when decoding a mix of UPC/EAN symbols with and
without supplementals, and the autodiscriminate option is selected.
Scan the bar code below to select a decode redundancy value. Next scan
two numeric bar codes beginning on page 8-71. Single digit numbers
must have a leading zero. To change the selection or cancel an incorrect
entry, scan the Cancel bar code on page 8-72.