7.0 Bluetooth
Bluetooth Passkey
— Set Default Passkey
Use this setting to create a default passkey for all connections. This saves
you the effort of manually creating a passkey whenever one is required.
Data Encryption
— Enable Data Encryption
If checked, the data transmitted will be encrypted. Managing Device Pairings
To access the device security configuration screen, click
My Blue-
tooth | Security
and click on the Devices tab.
— Paired Devices
This screen lists devices which have already paired with the local device.
— Remove Pairing
Click to remove the pairing relationship between the selected device
and the local device.
— Authorization
Click to select the local Bluetooth services that you wish to allow the se-
lected paired device to use. A list of local services will appear. Select the
services you wish to allow on the remote device, then click OK.
The screen will only list the local services that require authen-
tication. The local services that do not require authentication
can be accessed freely.
The Authorization button is enabled only when the Security Level is set
to Medium. Local Services Security
To access the local services security configuration screen, click:
My Bluetooth | Security
and click on the Services tab. You can only configure security for lo-
cal services when the Security Level is set to Medium. (Set the Security
Level in the General Security screen.)
Local Services:
— Authentication
If checked, a passkey is required whenever a remote device attempts to
connect with this service.
— Encryption
If checked, data transmitted between devices for this service will be en-
— Authorization
Click to select the devices you wish to allow to use the selected service.
In the Service Authorization screen, enter the following settings:
— Trusted Devices
Select to trust devices listed in this screen to use the selected service on
your device.
A device can freely access the service from your local device when trust-
ed. Click Add/Remove to edit the device list.
— Trust all devices
Connection requests will be accepted from every device.
— Prompt user if the device is not trusted for this service
If a non-trusted device attempts to access the service, a dialog will ap-
pear to allow you to accept or reject the connection.
— Reject devices from using the service if not trusted for
the service
If a non-trusted device attempts to access the service, the connection
will be rejected automatically without informing the user.
If a device is trusted for a service, it may connect to this ser-
vice on your local device without informing you.