Table 39: Maintenance Schedule for Air-cooled Drives
Preventive maintenance actions
Corrosive environ-
1 year
Conductive dust and aggressive gases, such as sulphide, chloride, and salt mist, can
damage the electrical and mechanical components. Air filters do not remove air-
borne corrosive chemicals. Act based on the findings.
1 year
Check that the AC drive parameter settings are correct according to the motor,
drive application, and I/O configuration. Only trained service personnel are allowed
to perform this action.
Control panel
1 year
Check that the display pixels are intact. Check the event log for warnings and faults.
Repetitive events are a sign of potential issues. If necessary, contact a local service
Drive cooling ca-
1 year
Check for blockages or constrictions in the air passages of the cooling channel. The
heat sinks must be free of dust and condensation.
Capacitors, DC
1 year
The expected lifetime of the capacitors depends on the loading profile of the ap-
plication and the ambient temperature. For applications with heavy loads in de-
manding environments or high ripple currents, replace electrolytic capacitors every
8 years and plastic foil capacitors every 12 years. If within the specifications of the
drive type, replace every 10–15+ years. Only trained service personnel are allowed
to perform this action.
Cleaning and fil-
1 year
Clean the interior of the enclosure annually, and more frequently if necessary. The
amount of dust in the filter or inside the enclosure is an indicator for when the next
cleaning or filter replacement is required.
1 year
3–10 years
Inspect the condition and operational status of all cooling fans. With the power off,
the fan axis should feel tight, and spinning the fan with a finger, the rotation should
be almost silent and not have abnormal rotation resistance. When in RUN mode,
fan vibration, excessive or strange noise is a sign of the bearings wearing, and the
fan must be replaced.
1 year
The drive system requires a dedicated ground wire connecting the drive, the out-
put filter, and the motor to the building ground. Check that the ground connec-
tions are tight and free of paint or oxidation. Daisy-chain connections are not al-
lowed. If applicable, braided straps are recommended.
1 year
Visually inspect the printed circuit boards for signs of damage or degrading due to
aging, corrosive environments, dust, or environments with high temperatures. Only
trained service personnel are allowed to perform the inspection and service action.
Power cables and
1 year
Check for loose connections, aging, insulation condition, and proper torque to the
drive connections. Check for proper rating of fuses and continuity check. Observe if
there are any signs of operation in a demanding environment. For example, discol-
oration of the fuse housing can be a sign of condensation or high temperatures.
1 year
Check for abnormal vibration or noise coming from the drive to ensure that the en-
vironment is stable for electronic components.
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