© Danfoss 05-2011
AK-EM 100 Installation Guide
When in ‘Edit’ mode, pressing the ‘Administration’ button provides you with a variety of options relating
to Templates, Mimics, and Images, as well as options for importing and exporting.
Pressing either the ‘Mimics’, ‘Templates’, or ‘Images’ buttons will present a list of options on the right
hand side of the screen.
3.12.1 Mimics Administration
Go To
When this option is selected, choose the mimic to view from the drop down list and press the ‘Go’
button to advance to it. It will show the mimic in the ‘Live mode.
This option is the same as the above, except it will take you to the mimic in ‘Edit’ mode, so the mimic can
be modified.
This option allows you to change the name of the mimic. Select the mimic from the list and enter a new
name in the text field underneath it. Press the ‘Go’ button when finished.
Once a mimic has been renamed, it will update all links automatically which refer to that mimic.
3.12.2 Templates Administration
Select the template from the menu to edit. The menu contains both templates and object templates.
When selected, it will display the template in ‘Edit’ mode.
Works the same as renaming a mimic (above), by selecting the template to change and then entering a
new name.
Exporting templates is a means of transferring a template to your local PC so that it can then be
imported into other systems so that the same template can be reused over and over again, saving time
by not having to recreate the same templates.
3.12 Mimic Administration