| IFU327EN00 - 01/2021
This document is the property of
CSO Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici srl.
Any reproduction, even partial, it is prohibited.
Availability of the following maps: sagittal curvature map,
tangential curvature map, elevation, refractive power, Gaussian
curvature map, corneal thickness.
Screens and summaries which allow to personalize the device
depending on the user:
Four maps summary
Single map screen
Keratoconus summary
Six maps summary
Advanced altimetry and Zernike summary
Corneal wavefront analysis with setting of the pupil, it
includes the maps of the most common aberrations
Corneal wavefront analysis with summary of visual quality
referred to the anterior corneal face with PSF, Spot Diagram,
MTF and vision simulation for the analysed wavefront
Autofit for the research of the best contact lens based on the
altimetric elevation measure of the cornea, on a database of more
than 50.000 lenses
Possibility to personalize the contact lens and to simulate its
Tools for the follow-up control with differential maps with 2 or 3
Tools for the follow-up control with comparison between 4
different maps
A wide series of concise descriptors of the features of the cornea,
such as:
Sim-K to simulate the measurement of an ophthalmoscope
with fixed targets (for the anterior surface)
Principal corneal meridians in the zones of 3 mm, 5 mm and
7 mm
flatter and steeper hemimeridians in the zones of 3 mm, 5
mm and 7 mm
Peripheral degrees
Pupil decentralization, pupil diameter, and corneal diameter