| IFU327EN00 - 01/2021
This document is the property of
CSO Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici srl.
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Corneal topography
The device provides information on pachymetry, elevation, curvature
and refractive power of both corneal surfaces over a diameter of 12
The pupillography module is completely integrated with the
topography and allows to:
follow the pupillometry measurement in scotopic light condition in
order to evaluate the maximal pupil extension and the optic zone
dimension that has to be set for a treatment.
Perform the pupillometry measurement in scotopic light conditions
(0.04 lux).
Perform the pupillometry measurement in mesopic light condition
(4 lux).
Perform the pupillometry measurement in photopic light condition
(50 lux).
Perform the dynamic pupillometry measurement, starting form
400 lux and turning off the luminous source so that the pupil
dilates to its maximal extension.
Evaluate the pupillary decentralization with respect to the corneal
vertex for each of the conditions described above and the pupillary
centre deviation during the dilatation.
The device allows to analyse the Meibomian glands in a non-invasive
method. The meibography is performed through the infrared
illumination which enhance the contrast, magnifying the anatomic
structure of the glands without causing any discomfort to the patient.
An additional negative lens is provided with the device. Magnetically
apply the lens to the device in order to increase the image shooting