As any other bike, CRICKET STEPPER needs periodic inspection, maintenance and service. It
needs basic inspections each time the user attempts to ride Cricket Stepper.
User must inspect visually and manually for signs of wear and tear in all components due to use.
Look for any bended parts in the frame. Including the handle bar, the stem, the fork, pedal bars,
foot pedals, rear axle, crank shaft, main frame, etc. Any bended part can affect the function of
the Tricycle and can become a hazard for the rider.
Look for cracks in any part of the Tricycle. Including the handle bar, the stem, the fork, pedal
bars, foot pedals, rear axle, crank shaft, main frame, etc. Any cracked part can affect the
function of the Tricycle and can become a hazard for the rider.
Check the wheels. Check tire pressure (front wheel 45 psi, rear tires 50 psi). Check tire rims.
Check malfunction on high stress areas. At all hinge joints with bearings.
Check the wheel bearings for any abnormal sounds or abnormal vibrations by manually turning
the front wheel and the back wheels.
Check the lubrication of the front wheel quick release where the lever meets the bushing.
Check the quick release is properly installed.
Check the brakes for correct functioning. Front and rear.
Check lubrication on the chain, chain tensioner and bearings at least once a month.
Check that the lock mechanism works properly. (Manual lock quick release is not loose).
Check that the oil cylinders are installed correctly.
Check for any indication of any part malfunction that could become a hazard to the user when
It is the responsibility of the owner/user if you identify any sign of any part malfunction or
failure, to replace the part immediately before attempting to ride Cricket Stepper.
Always use genuine Cricket Stepper replacement parts. Using other parts as substitute for
genuine Cricket Stepper parts can result in further damage to other parts of the Tricycle.
If the owner/ user are not completely sure how to perform any part of the inspection,
maintenance and service, it is vital that you consult a local bike mechanic for professional
service assistance.