In X-Generation processors, the content of the mailbox is deleted
whenever a new program is uploaded to the control system, or a new file is
saved to the mailbox. In 2-Series processors, the mailbox content is deleted
only when a new file is saved to the mailbox; uploading a new program will not
erase the file.
On some 2-Series processors (PRO2, AV2, and CNX-DVP4) the
amount of memory can be expanded with compact flash.
Load/Save NVRAM from File
Save or retrieves the contents of NVRAM (non-volatile memory) to an NVR
file. This is typically used for data backups. By default, the NVR file is saved to
the SIMPL Windows Program directory.
Update Control System
Sends control system upgrades to the processor. Updates for X-Generation
processors are contained in UPZ files; those for 2-Series processors, in CUZ
files. Sometimes upgrades must be extracted from .zip files.
Updates are obtained from the Crestron Web site. To download an update, click
the file and choose the
Save to Disk
option, then specify the target directory. If
the update is zipped, extract all the zipped files to the same directory and review
any "Readme" documentation before continuing with the upload procedure.
Once the update has been downloaded, the available options for uploading the
files differ depending on the control system.
With the 2-Series processor, simply browse to the CUZ file and click
start the transfer.
With the X-Generation processor, the
text fields display the version
numbers of the various files that are currently loaded in the control system.
These version numbers often differ from each other since some files, such as
Monitor ROM, are rarely updated whereas other files, such as the operating
system, are updated more often.
Browse to the UPZ file and click
. The version numbers for this new UPZ
file and the updates it contains will be listed in the
text fields. (Here
again, the version numbers are likely to differ.)
Next, verify that all three
What to Send
check boxes are selected:
, and
TCP/IP Stack
. Selecting all three update files ensures
optimum system performance and compatibility with future updates. Finally,
to upload the files to the control system.
In some cases Microsoft's Internet Explorer may append a .zip
extension to a downloaded .cuz or .upz file. For example, a file called
"51263x.upz" may appear as "" If this happens, rename the file,
removing the .zip extension.
Update Touchpanel Firmware
Sends firmware upgrades to touchpanels. All updates are contained in CSF files,
but some must be extracted from ZIP files, while others are contained in self-
extracting EXE files.
Reference Guide – Doc. 6133
Crestron RoomView