User Manual: WaveLinx Lite (1.5)
Found devices will appear in the ‘Unassigned Devices’ section, separated by device type. This display is static and will not change until another
scan command is processed.
7: Locate and open the appropriate device type list for the device being provisioned. The device that has the strongest signal (possibly the
closest device) will be at the top. Tap the identify icon ‘ ’ to place the device in the identify mode to verify that it is the expected device. The
device should respond with the identification behavior described in the device reference sheet section beginning on page 6. If the unintended
device responds, try the next device listed and continue until the expected device is found.
: The device will automatically return to normal operation after 15 seconds.
8: Next, tap ‘ ’ on the identified device to begin the provisioning process.
Select the site
Select the area
Tap refresh to
start scan
Device type list
expanded to show
Highbay Sensors
Tap identify icon.
to device to place
in identify mode
Tap ‘+’ to provision