Quick, easy, all natural ingredients. No preservatives. Nothing artificial. For a morning start, swirl Organic Berry Berry
Ginger Jam into fresh Organic Yogurt. Delicious spread onto toast or pancakes. Add to custards for fresh trifles, spoon into
fresh fruit smoothies, drizzle over frozen yogurt, great for baked desserts like cookies and cakes.
SAUTE: 6 - 7 minutes
DESSERT: 5 minutes, natural steam release
Organic Berry Berry Ginger Jam
• 1 cup organic honey
• 2 lbs. organic strawberries, cleaned, sliced
• 1 cup organic blueberries
• 1/4 cup orange juice
• 1 tablespoon grated ginger
1. SAUTE honey 3 to 4 minutes until liquified. Use a silicone spatula to stir.
2. Add strawberries, blueberries, orange juice, and cook until boiling and foamy. Close and lock the lid.
3. Press DESSERT. The indicator light will illuminate. Adjust cook time to 5 minutes. Press START to begin operation.
4. When cook time reaches 00 minutes (0:00), allow the steam to release naturally.
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