1. netgear DG834 router
2. A laptop or Pc to configure the DG834
3. An Internet connection and all required login details (username and password provided by your ISP)
SeTUP STePS FoR InTeRneT connecTIon
1. The DG834 has a default IP address of, so configure your laptop or Pc with an IP address of and gateway of and connect to the DG834 using the standard cAT-5 patch lead supplied with the router.
2. open Internet explorer and enter to connect to the router. when prompted, enter user name of ‘admin’ and password ‘password’.
3. If the DG834 has never been set-up before, it will prompt whether you wish to use the setup wizard – do not do this.
4. choose ‘basic Settings’ from the menu on the left. Select yes for ‘Does your internet connection require a login’ and enter your username and
password as provided by your ISP. other information required on this screen can be left at defaults. Apply these settings and then verify that you
now have internet access from the Pc / laptop.
SeTUP STePS FoR connecTInG A VXH264D locAlly
1. configure the VXH264D (refer to page 29 for details) so that it has a unique IP address, which is in the same range as the router and Pc/laptop.
For example, in this case choose Set the gateway IP on the DVR to the router’s IP address of note that the default port
number is 6200.
2. connect the VXH264D to the router using a standard cAT-5 patch lead and verify that it can be ‘pinged’ from the Pc as follows:
a) To open a command prompt using windows XP use the following sequence:
START-RUn - Type in cmD - ok
For windows Vista / 7 users:
START - Type in cmD -Press enter
b) At the command prompt, type ‘PInG’. If you see 4 lines saying ‘reply from ………..’ then the VXH264D is recognised
on the local network. If not, work through the above steps again, but also check that the cAT-5 patch lead is ok.
3. At this point, the connection to the VXH264D can be tested locally.
SeTUP STePS To Allow RemoTe VIewInG oVeR bRoADbAnD
Imagine the netgear DG834 is split in to two halves - one half is the private side which serves the local network. This ‘half’ of the router has its own IP
address (typically and other devices (Pcs, laptops, VXH264D etc.) that are connected to it will all have a unique IP address of the form
because this is a private network, it cannot be accessed directly from the outside world.
The other imaginary half of the DG834G is the public side - it also has its own IP address which is allocated to you by your ISP and can either be static
(it never changes) or dynamic (your ISP could change it at any time). because this is a public network, in theory, anyone from the outside world who
knows your public IP address can access the router and your private network. but, because the router has a security firewall built in, incoming traffic
is severely limited to prevent this.
For this reason, you need to configure the DG834 so that incoming traffic intended for the VXH264D is correctly routed instead of being blocked - this
is known as port forwarding.
you will notice on the VXH264D that in the network setup section, there is also two port numbers. These could technically be any value over 1030 but
the default value on the VXH264D is acceptable.
In this case, the VXH264D default port values are 8080 and 554 so two rules need creating on the DG834 that channels all traffic coming in on port
8080 and 554 to the VXH264D.