To set-up the event handling options, highlight eVenT/SenSoR and press
eVenT / SenSoR: HDD eVenT
The VXH264D can monitor the hard drives and detect problems that may be
S.m.A.R.T. AlARm: enables SmART disk monitoring.
cHeck InTeRVAl: can be adjusted as desired.
DISk FUll eVenT: can be set as on or oFF.
eVenT / SenSoR: AlARm InPUT
Determines the behaviour of each of the 16 alarm inputs.
oPeRATIon: Alarm inputs can be enabled or disabled.
TyPe: Alarm inputs can be set as normally open or normally closed.
TeXT: Allows the indivdual alarm to be named. This name will appear in the log.
eVenT / SenSoR: AlARm oUT
Determines the behaviour and actions that will trigger each of the 16 alarm outputs or 4 relay
Behaviour settings
cHAnnel: choose which alarm output to configure including relay outputs R1 to R4.
oPeRATIon: The selected alarm output can be enabled or disabled.
moDe: can be either TRAnSPARenT (the output is active only when the trigger criteria is
present) or lATcHeD. (the output is active for a set period of time after a trigger)
DURATIon: In lATcHeD mode, the time that the alarm output remains active after it has been
TyPe: can be set to low (0V to +5V when activated) or high. (+5V to 0V when activated)
HDD eVenT: Determines whether a hard drive event triggers the alarm output.
Action settings
AlARm: Determines whether alarm inputs will trigger the alarm output.
VIDeo loSS: Determines whether video loss on any of the selected channels will trigger the
alarm output.
moTIon: Determines whether motion detection on any of the selected channels will trigger the
alarm output.
to save settings.