ReSolUTIon: Recording resolutions of cIF (352x288), 2 cIF(704x288) or D1 (704x576) can
be selected for each channel.
FPS: Frame rates between 1 and 25 can be set for each channel.
QUAlITy: Five different picture recording qualities can be set for each channel.
AUDIo: If audio devices are connected to the VXH264D then you can select them to be on or
During playback, when a particular channel is selected in full screen, the assigned audio
channel will be played back at the same time.
Adjust values as desired and select ok to finish and return to the parameter menu. other time
periods can be configured in the same manner.
Remember that if SCHEDULE
mODE is set to wEEKLY, recording
settings need to be changed for
each day as well as for each
particular time.
The default settings for all
channels is D1 (704 x 576), 25FPS,
HIGHEST quality.
Note: The VXH264D supports a maximum recording rate across all channels of 400
frames per second at D1 resolution. As settings are adjusted, the ‘frames available’
at bottom left displays the number of available frames still remaining and must
always be zero or higher.
If, whilst changing recording settings, this figure becomes negative, recording
resolutions and / or frame rates must be lowered to increase the ‘frames available’
value to zero or above.
To change ScHeDUle settings, highlight conTInUoUS/moTIon RecoRDInG and press
. Use the
to highlight ScHeDUle and press
The schedule box is highlighted in blue.
to display the yellow cursor.
example: To set all channels to motion detection recording only between 18:00 and 00:00.
Use the
to move the orange cursor to the 18:00 position and press
This becomes the starting position.
Use the
to stretch the orange cursor across and down to select all channels
between 18:00 and 00:00.