To set-up the various system options, highlight SySTem and press
DATe TIme: Allows the operator to set or modify the current date & time.
DATe FoRmAT: Determines how the date is displayed.
TIme FoRmAT: Determines how the time is displayed.
neTwoRk TIme SeRVeR SeTUP: If the VXH264D is connected to the Internet, the time and
date can be accurately set by selecting Sync and pressing
TIme Zone SeTUP: Should be set according to the region that the VXH264D is used in.
D.S.T.: when set to on, the VXH264D will automatically adjust the time by one hour on the
relevant date in spring and autumn.
SySTem: DATe/TIme
SySTem: SySTem mAnAGemenT
Select InFo to display
F/w VeRSIon: Shows the firmware version of the VXH264D.
H/w VeRSIon: Shows the hardware version of the VXH264D.
VIDeo SIGnAl TyPe: The VXH264D can be selected between PAl and nTSc via a selector
switch on the rear panel (Default PAl).
DISk cAPAcITy: Shows the total hard drive capacity installed.
IP ADDReSS: Shows either the manual IP address entered in neTwoRk setup or the IP
address assigned by a DHcP server if enabled.
mAc ADDReSS: Shows the mAc (media Access control) address of the VXH264D. It is unique
– no other network device has this mAc address.
DDnS DomAIn nAme: If DDnS is enabled, the host DDnS server is specified here.
RTSP SeRVIce PoRT: The port number the DVR uses for internal networks.
web SeRVeR PoRT: The port number that the DVR uses to support remote I.e conections.
note this is for information only not for the setup.