eVenT / SenSoR: bUZZeR oUT
Determines the behaviour and actions that will trigger the internal buzzer.
Behaviour settings
oPeRATIon: The internal buzzer can be enabled or disabled.
HDD eVenT: Determines whether a hard drive event sounds the buzzer.
moDe: can be either TRAnSPARenT (the buzzer sounds only when the trigger criteria is present)
or lATcHeD. (the buzzer sounds for a set period of time after the trigger)
DURATIon: In lATcHeD mode, the time that the buzzer sounds after it has been triggered.
Action settings
AlARm: Determines whether alarm inputs will sound the buzzer.
VIDeo loSS: Determines whether video loss on any of the selected channels will sound the buzzer.
moTIon: Determines whether motion detection on any of the selected channels will sound the
to save settings.
eVenT / SenSoR: emAIl noTI
Determines the behaviour and actions that will send an email to a remote user.
Behaviour settings
noTIFIcATIon: email notification can be turned on or oFF. (when on panic event will send emails)
SeTUP cHAnGe: Determines whether a setup change event sends an email.
HDD eVenT: Determines whether a hard drive event sends an email.
booTInG eVenT: Determines whether system power-up event sends an email.
Action settings
AlARm: Determines whether alarm inputs will send an email.
VIDeo loSS: Determines whether video loss on any of the selected channels will send an email.
moTIon: Determines whether motion detection on any of the selected channels will send an email.
Please note: Alarm Record must be scheduled under record settings in order to send alarm event emails.
Email settings must also be
configured in mAIL and USER
mANAGEmENT settings described
on page 27.
eVenT / SenSoR: PTZ PReSeT
Determines what event actions will send specified PTZ devices to specified presets.
cHAnnel: Select the camera channel that the desired PTZ device is connected to.
oPeRATIon: Set to enAble to make the PTZ device respond to the specified actions.
AlARm / PTZ PReSeT: Tick the appropriate box and choose the desired preset number required. For
example, to send the PTZ device to preset 57 when alarm input 5 is detected, tick the cH 5 box and
enter PTZ PReSeT 57.
VIDeo loSS / PTZ PReSeT: Tick the appropriate box and choose the desired preset number required.
For example, to send the PTZ device to preset 32 when video loss is detected on channel 2, tick the cH
2 box and enter PTZ PReSeT 32.
moTIon / PTZ PReSeT: Tick the appropriate box and choose the desired preset number required. For
example, to send the PTZ device to preset 9 when motion detection is detected on channel 4, tick the
cH 4 box and select PTZ PReSeT 9.
notes: For an alarm input to call a preset, alarm recording must be enabled in the VXH264D record
menu. For motion detection to call a preset, motion recording must be enabled in the VXH264D record