CDD6: user manual – rev.07
Page 58/74
P-29: PIN21 output management
This parameter allows to manage the PIN21 output of the door drive. This output is an open collector
output, that can be set to activate acoustic signal, base on particular working conditions.
Parameter value
default value
The pin21 output is disabled: the output is never activated by the door drive
The pin21 output is activated:
During the reduced speed closing when RSC command is active and the
related parameter P-99 is 0 or 3.
During the reduced speed cycle, when P-02 = 1, or P-02 = 2
P-35: RVS output management in door open position
This parameter allows to manage the RVS signal when door is in open position. The following table shows
the settings.
Parameter value
00 = OFF
default value
In door open condition, when door is parking, the RVS signal is never activated, even
if the reversing sources (DETC or RVC) are active. This means that the door drive
does not inform the lift controller if an external reversing source is active when the
door is parking in open position, permitting the closing of the door. If the reversing
source is active when the DCC is active, the door drive will immediately activate the
RVS signal, and reacts according to P-00 settings.
01 = ON
In door open condition, when door is parking, the RVS signal is activated every time
the external reversing sources (DETC or RVC) are active. This means that the door
drive informs the lift controller if an external reversing source is active when the
door is parking in open position, permitting the reset of the closing timer or the final
timer on the lift controller side.
P-80: Closing delay when door completely reopened after reversing
This parameter allows to activate a delay, when the door is completely reopened in front of reversing
during closing, when the P-00 is set to zero (internal reversing management). When the door has
completed the reopening movement, and the DCC command is still present, the door drive applies this
delay, before to execute the next closing movement. This delay is not applied in case of partial reopening
movement, when the closing starts in intermediate position.
Parameter value
00 = function disabled
The delay is not applied, so when the door has completed the reopening, and the DCC
command is active, the door will start closing immediately.
01…05 = function
default value is 1s
The delay is applied, so when the door has completed the reopening, and the DCC
command is active, the door will start closing only when the timeout is expired.