CDD6: user manual – rev.07
Page 55/74
EN81-20 functions parameters
P-49: Door Closed evacuation delay
This parameter, described in the previous paragraph at 5.7.1, is strictly related to the EN81-20 evacuation
function. In case of installation on EN81-20 lift, it is STRICTLY necessary to set the value of this parameter to
a value different from zero, to permit the clutch relaxing when the door is parking at the floor.
Parameter value
00 = PSO not active
default value
The controller, during parking with door closed, keeps ALWAYS the skate closed,
applying a reduced parking torque to the motor enough to keep the closed position.
01…99 = PSO active
The controller enables the PSO function, activating the PSO after the correspondent
delay in seconds
The PSO function is required for EN81-20 applications, and it must be set to a value different form
zero (suggested 10s)
P-47: Time-out detector failed
This parameter allows to activate the reduced speed closing, when external reversing sources are active for
the defined time, meaning that the reversing source is broken.
Parameter value
00 = function disabled
The function is not enabled
01…99 = function
default value is 30s
The door drive will start the reduced speed closing sequence as described below, after
the defined time-out.
Door open
RVS active with P-00 = 0
DCC active
The door remains open, since reversing source is active.
After the timeout defined by P-47 parameter, the door drive will start to close
the door at reduced speed, with kinetic energy limited to 4J.